Absorbing New Beliefs


Greetings Dear Friends,

Welcome to your monthly newsletter. How are you all doing? This month we have a lot of inspiration to share with you, I thought I would start off by sharing with you my latest blog called Absorbing New Beliefs. Here are some paragraphs from the blog

“Have you ever tried meditating with your focus only being on God? This is an inspiring belief that I have been trying to adopt. Until now, all of my meditation practices involved guided visualizations where I would escape to a beautiful meadow or a peaceful place. While I still enjoy that, I have been learning now for about 3 years how to meditate on God and tune into God's eight qualities. Which has expanded my view on meditation, as my search for God has always been outward looking for God in a Church or through a pastor.

In 2014 and 2017, I regularly attended a Pentecostal church. During my time there, I was told that I couldn't practice Yoga, Reiki, or Meditation. I obeyed their command and got saved and baptised. Despite my efforts to become closer to God, I never felt renewed or that I even knew Jesus. However, when the church's pastor left and a new pastor was appointed, I felt spiritually initiated, like we had become one and entered in the realm of ministry. I cried and cried, and although I didn't know what was happening to me, I kept it a secret between me and God” ...

You can click here to read the full blog.

I hope you enjoy it and it inspires you.

Blessings & Love
Rev Sushumna Dinah Pemberton


February's Thoughts & Reflections 


The 18th February was the day I entered into the world.  Where two souls came together to conceive me and here I am nearly 41 years later and I have achieved more than I thought I would ever achieve. When I went to the Amazon rainforest an unexpected journey of a lifetime.  I thanked God and said that if I died I would have felt happy because I felt like I had achieved everything that I needed to achieve in this lifetime.

Lo and behold I never realised that there was more inner work that I needed to do on myself and that there was more to life that was going to be revealed to me. I knew from Divine Mother that I was going to be a minister because she showed me, I just never seen myself being a minister, but when the opportunity came the lights turned on and paved the way. There were know obstacles that came in the way, not even losing the two most important women in my life my mother and auntie during my minister training stopped me from becoming what I had seen through the eyes of Divine Mother all them years ago.

So my birthday wish for this year is to go on a retreat led by Ministers in March. I have not had the opportunity to attend one in over four years. To make this happen, I will need to raise £500 if anyone feels the kindness in their hearts to donate I would really appreciate it. The funds will go towards my continued personal development and training as a Minister. Your generous gift will not only help me to achieve my goal but also help inspire others to follow their dreams as well. 

If you would like to donate here is the PayPal link or if you would prefer to donate via bank transfer please contact me directly and I can send you the details.

To start my Day of Birth New Year Nayaswami's Jyotish and Devi wrote a blog called "Paramhansa Yogananda’s Spiritual Pledge for Students" Inspired by their blog I thought would adopt some of the pledges to follow. The link to read the blog is below.

To conclude my thoughts and reflections I wanted to share one more thing with you all a song by Swami Kriyananda called “Walk like a Man” that has captured my heart and being. 

Quoting and transcribing from his words he shares what the song means to him.

"This song is really I think my favourite of all the songs that I have written and it is sort of in a sense theme song to our community and you will think that’s rather peculiar because the message of it is to go on alone.

But in fact only until a person has the integrity to seek his truths within himself and not in agreement with the majority of opinion is he really a free enough agent to be able to work with intelligent cooperation with others as opposed to sort of a mindless locksteck togetherness. And this is the attitude that we encourage in our community so in a sense it is really the theme song of Ananda Cooperative Village!"

~ Swami Kriyananda

Walk Like a Man Lyrics:

Walk like a man, even though you walk alone.

Why court approval, once the road is known?

Let come who will, but if they all turn home,

The goal still awaits you: Go on alone!

Follow your dream though it lead to worlds unknown.

Life’s but a shadow once our dreams have flown.

What if men cry, “Your dream is not our own”?

Your soul knows the answer: Go on alone!

Give life your heart! Bless everything that’s grown;

Fear not the loving: all this world’s your own.

Make rich the soil, but once the seed is sown

Seek freedom, don’t linger: Go on alone!


Helping Soul Friends to Transition into the Light

This month we pray for the souls who have passed away and their families. We ask Divine Mother to welcome these souls into her Divine Light

Thou art in the souls of

David G. Cormier, Helena Rose Kästner-Moss, David Shields, Guarav Vermaa, Zoheera Bibi and Jennifer Cudjoe-McKnight.

Aum Peace Amen

 February's wisdom

Channel the light, the light within 
the stars are always shining the melody is always playing if we select the right instrument the key to the high pitched note will only eventually become low, so what is low? If you have the right instrument within.

Aum Peace Amen

Blessings & Love

Rev Sushumna Dinah Pemberton

P.S. Please consider donating to Sushumna Chapel, it doesn't matter how small. 

Click Here to Donate using Paypal...

If you would like to donate by bank transfer please contact me at 


Sushumna Chapel 

What's New & Updates on Sushumna Chapel 

I invite you all to join me on Sunday 18th February which is my birthday in the Divine Sunday Service where I will offer a Divine Service in remembering our loved ones at the end of the Sunday service.  I am currently doing a Diploma in Mediumship and I would like to start practising my skills. I thought it would be a special gift to start practising on this special day. There is a suggested minimum donation of £2.50 if you are interested you can join below or feel free to contact me at sushumnachapel@gmail.com

The monthly Satsangs and Membership will resume and start in May.

Here are some pictures from the altar of our first In Person meditation. The next date for our In Person Meditaion will be on Saturday 24th February register below in advance


You can read Sushumna Chapel and Reclaiming Your Virginity's Review for 2023 below.



February's Inspiration 


Remembering Our Loved Ones

Minister’s Offering

Affirmations For Self Healing & Silent Night Meditation 


Weekly Offerings February 

The services that Sushumna Chapel offers are free or a donation of your choice. Which goes towards supporting the upkeep of the Sushumna Chapel and helps to keep the services that are offered for free. Click on the link to join a service.


You may enter the Chapel from from 12:30 pm

Divine Sunday Service 1 pm - 2:50 pm 
Divine Service 3:00 pm - 3:30 pm (Sunday 18th February)


Morning “Silent” Meditation 9 am - 10 am
Night “Silent” Meditation 11 pm - 12 pm


Divine Will Healing Prayer Circle at Noon 12 pm - 13:00 pm 

Reminder of our Monthly In Person Meditation
Saturday 24th February 

Follow Sushumna Chapel on Facebook and Instagram 

Reclaiming Your Virginity



Counselling Space

Counselling Space is a space where you can choose the right style of counselling for you and explore your inner and outer path and discover your soul’s true highest potential. As a Person Centred counsellor with over a decade of experience, I offer a transpersonal creative approach based on the wisdom teachings of spiritual traditions and modern psychology.  Transpersonal psychology invites us to draw from the depths of our being to align us to our unique qualities, that are hidden within and without ourselves. It empowers us to see that we have the freedom, inner wisdom and the inner knowledge to accept and let go of anything that is disharmonious in our lives...

Reclaiming Your Virginity Library

Follow Reclaiming Your Virginity on Facebook and Instagram 

A Small Gift Goes A Long Way 

Please Donate Today to continue to keep our Light Strong

God’s light is within me and around me. With the sword of faith in my hand, with the love of God in my heart, I am a warrior of light. I join my brothers and sisters everywhere to overcome fear with faith, hatred with love, and disease with health. We all are warriors of light. We fill the world with God’s light.

Words by Nayaswamis Jyotish & Devi 

If you would like to donate by bank transfer please contact Rev Sushumna Dinah Pemberton at sushumnachapel@gmail.com