Welcome to Journey Through the Spine Sharing Circle & Night Meditation

  • Journey Through the Spine Sharing Circle

    Every Sunday 10:00 am - 11:00 am

  • Night Meditation

    Every Wednesday 23:00 pm - 00:00 am

  • Book a Vedic Astrology Reading Here

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A 12 step Journey Through the Spine using Psalm 23 and Vedic Astrology.

Step 0

  • Send some time thinking about what you would like to give up.

    Once you have chosen what you would like to give up.

    Let’s place our trust in God, the chakras, and the spine and together believe that we know longer need what it is that we have chosen to give up.

    We are ready to read our affirmation to

    help us with this truth.

    Read Step 0 Affirmation

  • I place my trust in God, the Chakras and the Spine and I now believe that I know longer need ________ in my life. I Feel God’s presence within and around me. I am Divinely Protected, I am Divinely Protected, I am Divenly Protected.

  • Affirm

    The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want

  • Click Aum to listen


Step 1

  • 1st Charkra, Root Chakra, Muladhara Chakra Coccyx Center "Earth".

    Which is located at the tail bone of the spine.

  • Visualise the First Chakra located at the tailbone of the spine and affirm

    He maketh me to lie down in green pastures

  • Feel God keeping watch over you as you rest on the green, abundant earth. Absorb the radiant life-force. Feel the support of the solid earth. All is well.

  • Om Shanaye Namah

  • Ashwagandha

  • Frankincense, sandalwood, cedar, and juniper.

Step 2

  • Visualise the Second (Sacral/Swadisthana) Chakra located along the spine, in the lower abdomen just below the naval, extending down to the top of the pelvic bone and affirm

    He leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul

  • See the clear water of a beautiful mountain lake, reflective, cool and still. Rest. Reflect.

  • Om Brihaspataye Namah

  • Aswaghanda Bala Ginseng

  • Frankincense, sandalwood, and Lotus.

Step 3

  • Visualise the Third chakra (at the navel): the fire element; “fiery self control,” giving us the ability to follow the rules for spiritual living; self-discipline; that feeds the abdominal organs.

    And affirm

    He restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.

  • Feel divine strength at the navel area, radiating all through the abdomen. Feel that as you use your determination to follow divine will, it creates a pathway within you to reach the higher realities.

  • Om Kujaya Namah

  • Tumeric, Aswaghanda, Ginseng, Golden Seal and Echinacea.

  • Saffron and Cinnamon Essential oils

Step 4

  • Visualise the Fourth chakra (at the heart): the air element; human and divine love; that feeds the heart, lungs, arms and hands.

    And affirm

    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for Thou art with me.

  • Visualize a glowing ball of light in your heart; with each breath increase its radiance, and try to feel the warmth emanating from it. Invite the divine presence to dwell in your heart, always.

    Visualize Divine Mother, or one of the masters living in your heart, radiating divine love, guidance, and protection.

  • Om Shukraya Namah

  • Jasmine and Rose Hip

  • Saffron and Rose Essential oils