Week 2: Did God Create The Universe—or Become it?

Photo by Nayaswami Jyotish (View more art by Nayaswami Jyotish)

Blessed Are the Inwardly Free

Reading and Affirmation for January

From the book The Beatitudes: Their Inner Meaning by Swami Kriyananda

Rays of One Light: Weekly Commentaries on the Bible and The Bhagavad Gita

The universe is not separate from God the Creator, but a part of Him even as our own dream-creations, during sleep,  are figments of our consciousness. God’s is the life; God’s, the reality. Not a melody could be composed, not a poem written, were the melody and the poem not already there, simply waiting to be expressed. 

Excerpt From Week 2: Did God Create The Universe—or Become it?

Whispers From Eternity

137. Intoxicate Me with the Wine of Thy Love

Intoxicate me with devotion’s wine. I will drink of Thee until death. My earthly desires are now dead, and I will live in Thee forever. A thrilling current runs through each cell of my body, and through every opening of my love for Thee. Saturated with devotion, I will enter the heaven of Thy presence. Groping blindly, the urge of my devotion suddenly flings open the secret door in my soul: Oh, what bliss I feel on beholding Thy light!

Paramhansa Yogananda

Inspiration from the Rays of One Light

I am the fluidity of water. I am the silver light of the moon and the golden light of the sun. I am the AUM chanted in all the Vedas: the Cosmic Sound moving as if soundlessly through the ether. I am the manliness of men. I am the good sweet smell of the moist earth. I am the luminescence of fire; the sustaining life of all living creatures. I am self-offering in those who would expand their little lives into cosmic life.

We will take these meaningful words from the Bhagavad Gita our meditation together for deep reflection and contemplation. But firstly, we will listen to the beautiful Psalm of David, sung by Mary Kretzmann.


Psalm of David

Listen to the Psalm of David


Reflect, Meditate and Listen to Instrumental Music



Aum Peace Amen

Blessings & Love

Rev Dinah Pemberton


Week 3: Is God Present Even There, Where There is Ignorance? 


Week 1: At the Heart of Silence—the Eternal Word