Sushumna Chapel

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Absorbing New Beliefs

Have you ever tried meditating with your focus only being on God? This is an inspiring belief that I have been trying to adopt. Until now, all of my meditation practices involved guided visualizations where I would escape to a beautiful meadow or a peaceful place. While I still enjoy that, I have been learning now for about 3 years how to meditate on God and tune into God's eight qualities. Which has expanded my view on meditation, as my search for God has always been outward looking for God in a Church or through a pastor.

“In 2014 and 2017, I regularly attended a Pentecostal church. During my time there, I was told that I couldn't practice Yoga, Reiki, or Meditation. I obeyed their command and got saved and baptized. Despite my efforts to become closer to God, I never felt renewed or that I even knew Jesus. However, when the church's pastor left and a new pastor was appointed, I felt spiritually initiated, like we had become one and entered in the realm of ministry. I cried and cried, and although I didn't know what was happening to me, I kept it a secret between me and God.

A few months down the line I confided in the new pastor what I had experienced. Later that week, the former pastor visited the church, and we shared a long, wordless look I could feel his presence in my energy. God had done something to me that was uncommon in the church. I knew he understood what had happened to me, and that moment was a turning point in my spiritual journey.  I started buying books and reading how to become a Pentecostal Minister, and trusting what God was doing through me. I met a woman who was an Interfaith Minister who was conducting a funeral I was inspired by her service, and I found myself helping at the cemetery by carrying her wellington boots. She shared with me how she became a minister and details on how I could become a minister as well.

When I told the pastor that I was going to pursue to be a minister, he advised me to consider spiritual counselling instead. But I trusted my heart and followed my own path. On my last day at the Pentecostal Church. I felt a powerful energy flowing through me. My heart began to open and expand so wide that I was able to visualise a green circle rotating around the whole church, when I clapped my eyes on the pastor he recognised the transformation that was happening within me.

I knew from that moment that I was different and special. I realised that I never belonged in a place where women was not able to lead or even read a prayer.  I was sharing my experience with a spiritual friend who is know longer here anymore and he said to me sometimes we outgrow the church. Months later I embraced the opportunity to become a One Spirit Interfaith Minister.

I want to share something with all of you that some of you might not know. The first time I ever stood on a platform and ministered was in 2011. I was communicating with a spirit of a loved one for a family. I had no training, I just got up and did it. I was amazed by what came through me and the accuracy of it all. However, I never pursued this path because I was afraid.

Today, I am no longer afraid and I am pursuing an 11-week accredited Mediumship Diploma course as part of my Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for this year. Through my journey of not knowing, I realised that God took me on a journey to find him and her.  And even in the expected places where you believe that you will find God. God will take us to look beyond. I feel blessed to be able to do things that I can again but with God, my Guru, Divine Mother and the Great Healing Masters of Self-Realisation as my foundation.

"Just behind the darkness of closed eyes shines the light of God. When you behold that light in meditation, hold onto it with devotional zeal. Feel yourself inside it: That is where God dwells”.

~ Paramhansa Yogananda

Let us come together in the stillness of our body temple to seek and worship God through Meditation. Every Tuesday morning from 9 am - 10 am and again at night from 11 pm - 12 am, where we can find solace, inner peace and inspiration in this sacred practice.

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And on February 18th, we will gather for a Divine Sunday Service followed by a Divine Service in remembrance of our loved ones. Where I will share with you messages from your loved ones.

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Join us at Sushumna Chapel on this journey of spiritual growth and renewal.

Blessings & Love 

Rev sushumna Dinah Pemberton