Sushumna Chapel

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Week 3: Is God Present Even There, Where There is Ignorance</span>

Reading and Affirmation for January

From the book The Beatitudes: Their Inner Meaning by Swami Kriyananda

Blessed Are the Inwardly Free

Rays of One Light: Weekly Commentaries on the Bible and The Bhagavad Gita

The Gospel of St. John, Chapter 1, makes a reference to the divine light that is  obscure to the rational faculty, but that enlightens our higher nature: “The light shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not.”

In the Bhagavad Gita, the eleventh Chapter, the devotee, Arjuna, is given an experience of the infinite state and exclaims in awe:  If there should rise suddenly within the skies Sunburst of a thousand suns Flooding earth with beams undeemed-of,  Then might be that Holy One’s Majesty and radiance dreamed of!

Excerpts from Week 3: Is God Present Even There, Where There is Ignorance

Whispers From Eternity

129. Thou Art Slowly Rising On the Horizon of My Mind

O Father, I pray that my storm‐tossed soul may find the silver lining of Thy presence behind the clouds of my indifference. May the moon of Thy hope ever gleam upon my heart. Thy inner light slowly rises above the horizon of my mind. Mists of ignorance lift before the moonbeams of Thy love. O Father of light, my sorrowing soul beholds, rejoicing, Thy shores of bliss.

What inspired me from this week’s reading from the Rays of One Light to share with everyone was…

“If there should rise suddenly within the skies Sunburst of a thousand suns Flooding earth with beams undeemed-of,  Then might be that Holy One’s Majesty and radiance dreamed of!”

We will take these words from Arjuna from the eleventh Chapter of the Bhagavad Gita into our meditation together for reflection. But firstly we will listen to Psalm of David sung by Mary Kretzmann.

Psalm of David

Listen to the Psalm of David

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Psalm Of David Mary Kretzmann

Psalm of David - Psalm 121

Reflect, Meditate and Listen to Instrumental Music

Aum Peace Amen

Blessings & Love Rev Sushumna Dinah Pemberton

Gayatri Mantra

Psalm of David

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