Week 1: At the Heart of Silence—the Eternal Word
Photo by Nayaswami Jyotish (View more art by Nayaswami Jyotish)
Blessed Are the Inwardly Free
Reading and Affirmation for January
From the book The Beatitudes: Their Inner Meaning by Swami Kriyananda
Rays of One Light: Weekly Commentaries on the Bible and The Bhagavad Gita
Human vision beholds individuality and separation everywhere. Divine vision beholds the oneness of cosmic vibration, of which all things, no matter how diverse, are manifestations. Cosmic Sound— the “Word” of God—and Cosmic Light: These are eternal. The world, as revealed to us by our senses, is illusory.
Excerpt From Week 1: At the Heart of Silence—the Eternal Word
Whispers From Eternity
136. I Bring to Thee the Myrrh of Devotion
With folded hands, bowed head, and heart laden with the myrrh of reverence, I come to Thee. Thou art my parents; I am Thy child. Thou art the Master; I am ready to obey the silent command of Thy voice. I conjured the fragrant devotion of all hearts and mixed it with my tears. Now I am eager to wash Thy feet in silence. A river of my ardent crystal tears of craving rushes forth to meet Thee. Wilt Thou see that my boisterous flood of devotion be not lost in the desert of disappointment? Wilt Thou see that my mad flood of devotion follow always the right course, which leads to Thee?
Paramhansa Yogananda
Inspiration from the Rays of One Light
“I am Iswara. I am Light.” The voice was as murmuring clouds. “I want to be one with Thee!” Out of the slow dwindling of my divine ecstasy, I salvaged a permanent legacy of inspiration to seek God.
We will take these meaningful words into our meditation together for deep reflection and contemplation. But firstly, we will listen to the beautiful Psalm of David, sung by Mary Kretzmann.
Psalm of David
Listen to the Psalm of David
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Psalm Of David
Reflect, Meditate and Listen to Instrumental Music
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Psalm of David
Aum Peace Amen
Blessings & Love
Rev Dinah Pemberton