Week 3: Is God Present Even There, Where There is Ignorance?
Photo by Nayaswami Jyotish (View more art by Nayaswami Jyotish)
Blessed Are the Inwardly Free
Reading and Affirmation for January
(To view the reading see weeks 1 and 2)
From the book The Beatitudes: Their Inner Meaning by Swami Kriyananda
Rays of One Light: Weekly Commentaries on the Bible and The Bhagavad Gita
The Gospel of St. John, Chapter 1, makes a reference to the divine light that is obscure to the rational faculty, but that enlightens our higher nature: “The light shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not.” Reason recoils from this statement with innumerable questions.
Excerpt From Week 3: Is God Present Even There, Where There is Ignorance?
Whispers From Eternity
138. Open My Soul’s Secret Door
I am crying in a wilderness of loneliness. With eyes closed I have long knocked at doors of darkness, praying that they will open and reveal Thy light. With a million thirsty cravings of my heart, I long for Thee. Oh, wilt Thou come?
Paramhansa Yogananda
Inspiration from the Rays of One Light
What is this darkness? Is it conscious, that it should comprehend anything? What sort of light would be capable of shining in darkness without transforming at least that part of the darkness in which it shines into light? Does this light shine only at night? And if so, why only then?
We will take these meaningful words into our meditation together for deep reflection and contemplation. But firstly, we will listen to the beautiful Psalm of David, sung by Mary Kretzmann.
Psalm of David
Listen to the Psalm of David
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Psalm Of David
Reflect, Meditate and Listen to Instrumental Music
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Psalm of David
Aum Peace Amen
Blessings & Love
Rev Dinah Pemberton